Paranormal Studies at LABEShops
A Haunted Love Story
Beyond Faery
Catalog of the Unexplained
Chasing American Monsters
Dragons for Beginners
Dream ESP
Ghost Hunting for Beginners
Ghosts of the Grand Canyon
Haunted Rails
Haunted Route 66
Lemuria & Atlantis
Magickal, Mystical Creatures
Paranormal Parasites
Psychic Vampires
Spirit Boards for Beginners
The Anunnaki Connection
The Dictionary of Demons
The Future Is Yours
The Lost Lands
The Sallie House Haunting
The Uninvited
The Vengeful Djinn
True Ghosts
Vampires - The Occult Truth
Walking the Twilight Path
Werewolf Magick

Where do we go after this world? Does our soul live on? Can we communicate with ghosts and those who have died before us?
Explore the world of ghosts, spirits and the paranormal in these books all about life after death.
We are always adding new items, so be sure to check back often.